National sport council (NSC) member secretary Yubaraj Lama has asked sport minister Mr. Purushottar Paudel to apologize for his remark. While speaking in apartment handover program to Ritesh Thapa, National sport council member secretary Yubaraj Lama request Honorable minister Purushottar Paudel to take his words back in that program.
More: National sport council (NSC) member secretary Yubaraj Lama has asked sport minister Mr. Purushottar Paudel to apologize for his remark. While speaking in apartment handover program to Ritesh Thapa, National sport council member secretary Yubaraj Lama request Honorable minister Purushottar Paudel to take his words back in that program. Honorable minister Purushottar Paudel said the person who carries bag and guns can not devlop sports of the nation. Chif guest of the program Prachanda clarified that Yubaraj Lama never carried guns but the person who received prize carried guns as he is a policeman.