This movie is produced by Sunil Manandhar and Directed by Krishna Chapagain. Movie Title in English is " Brother Sister ". In the movie Rajesh Hamal role is Brother. Later in the movie Rajesh Hamal fall in love with Tripti Nadkar. Later they get married and move to city Kathmandu. To find out more Watch full movie.
Movie: Didi Bhai Casts: Rajesh Hamal, Tripti Nadkar, Sushil Chhetri, Garima Pant Music: Suresh Adhikari Lyrics: Dayaram Pandey Producer: Sunil Manandhar Director: Krishna Chapagain Crime News : A weekly package program based on crime and investigation. It is based on in-depth analysis of crime events, crime investigation progress and dramatization of the events.
Copyright : Audio and Video Provided by Budhasubba Music Centre.