Posted by Anup Baral February 14, 2014 :
The socio-economic status of women in Nepal is very poor. The women are being discriminated in every aspect of the society. These and so many other factors have contributed to turn Nepal a lower human development state. Nepal’s policy on women in its development endeavor initiated since its First Five Year Plan (1956-1961). Nevertheless, duri ng that period the State policy on women was formulated with a “welfare approach” focusing on the reproductive role of women as mothers and homemakers. A sift in the focus on women occurr ed during mid and late 1970s with Nepal observing the International Women’s Year and participating in the First World Conference on Women in 1975; and the subsequent study on the Status of Women in Nepal (1979).Sixth Five Year Plan (1980- 85) initiated the WID (Women in Development) policy assigning a separat e chapter about the role of women in development, which was followed by the Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-1990) and the Eighth Five Year Pl an (1992-1997). Sixth Plan adopt ed an “efficiency approach” to WID recognizing the productive role of wo men for the first time in Nepal’s planned development. The Seventh Plan adopted a “(equal) participatory approach” along with the efficiency approach and the Eight h Plan adopted an “equi ty approach” along with a realization of the need to ma instreaming women in development. Read More