Watch Daily Rasifal Video: Find out where the planets are today! Watch Today's Daily Horoscopes published in Image Tv.

This Video will Forecast your yearly planetary movements that affect your life. Your Daily Forecast can predict: A Horoscope is a person's Birth Chart or Natal Chart. The construction of the horoscope is based on the Ptolemaic system, in which the earth is stationary. Mesh Rashi-persons of this sign are solitary by nature; they have smiling faces and are less spoken and polite to others. Vrisha Rashi-people under this sign eldom lose temper, but when they do so they don't care for the repercussions also they love music and adore jewellery and fine clothes.
Checks us Everyday to know your Daily Horoscopes.
Wednesday Hindu fasting dedicated to Krishna and Mercury Budhvar, Wednesday, is dedicated to Lord Krishna and the planet Budh or Mercury. The day is also associated with Lord Vithal, an incarnation of Krishna. In some regions, Lord Vishnu is worshiped. Ke eping a fast (Upvaas) on Budhvar is believed to help in leading a peaceful family life. Those devotees who undertake a fast on the day only take a single meal in the afternoon. The fasting is observed mainly by husband and wife together. Green color is c onsidered highly auspicious on the day. In Astrology, mercury is considered to be compassionate and generous. Mercury is usually depicted riding a lion.