Tuesday, October 28, 2014

News: October 28, 2014

Posted by Anup Baral October 28, 2014 :

Prime Minister Says,"Country to completely transform in next 10 years":- Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has said the country would be completely transformed in the coming 10 years. The Prime Minister made this remark while addressing a function after garlanding the statue of the national luminary Shankhadhar Sakhwa at the Shankhadhar Skhwa Chok in Madhyapur Thimi today. The function was organised by the Shankhadhar Sakhwa Foundation on the occasion of the Nepal Sambat New Year 1135. Sakhwa is credited with inventing and bringing into use the Nepal Sambat calendar. Stating that the present time is not the time for waging an agitation movement and escalating the conflict and violence, he said it is the moment to establish peace and order in the country and to institutionalize the achievements of the People’s Movement of 2006/07. He urged all to work to that end.

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