Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Political talk with Constituent Assembly Chairperson Subash Chandra Nembang

Posted by Rajesh KC January 28, 2014 :
In the video you can watch interview with Constituent Assembly Chairperson, Subash Chandra Nembang in Tough Talk.         

In this episode of Tough Talk you can watch talk with constituent assembly chairperson Subash Nembang. Mr. Nembang holds the most important position in the constitution making process.Being the Speaker of the Constitution Assembly, It is his duty and responsibility to make sure the constitution comes on time. This Program is hosted by Dil Bhusan Pathak. He is a Nepalese journalist . He is the host of the sociopolitical talk-show Tough Talk published on News 24 Television. News:- CA Chair Subas Chandra Nembang himself proposed the Committee as well as the name of the lawmakers to be represented in the committee, amidst the sloganeering by the opposition alliance led by the UCPN (Maoist) party.The CA meeting has been prorogued until further notice.UCPN-Maoist-led 30-party alliance on Sunday announced to launch stern protest programmes against Constituent Assembly (CA) Chairman Subas Chandra Nembang after the latter formed a Proposal Committee to settle disputed issues at the CA unilaterally. The opposition alliance held an emergency meeting immediately after the CA meeting this afternoon and decided to launch protests against him from today itself.

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