Thursday, May 21, 2015

USGS says strong aftershocks upto M 6 possible in Nepal in next 7 days

The United States Geological Survey (USGS), which monitors earthquakes across the world, said on Wednesday that while the chances of future aftershocks in Nepal were lower than its previous forecast, strong tremors could be felt in the Himalayan nation in the next 7 days. Within the week of May 20 to May 26 , the USGS estimates that the chance of a t least one magnitude 5 to 6 aftershock is about 4 0 % and up to 3 such events are likely to occur . • A magnitude 6 to 7 earthquake has a probability of 6 % or a 1 - in - 16 chance of occurring within this week. A magnitude 7 to 7.8 aftershock is possible , but less likely with about a 1 - in - 2 00 chance of occurring The potential for an aftershock larger than the mainshock remains, but is even lower with about a 1 - in - 1000 chance within this week . If an earthquake larger than the mainshock does occur, the USGS expects that it would most likely be about the size of the main shock.

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