Wednesday, June 24, 2015

International community ready to invest in Nepal

Posted by Anup Baral June 24th, 2015 :
Minister for Urban Development Dr Narayan Khadka said that the problem was seen as practicality of disaster emergency was misunderstood. While talking to RSS, Minister Khadka said that people were critical of the government’s relief operations without properly understating the emergency of post disaster management. He added that the Ministry could not go in tender process for buying the tents and other materials due to emergency and even they did not have enough time for going in long process during the earthquake hit hour.

The cabinet meeting had assigned the Ministry for buying the tents and managing the drinking waters for earthquake survivors. Minister Khadka said that they bought the tents wherever they found rather than searching cheaper in the emergency as it was most essential to the survivors after April 25 devastating quake. Minister Khadka informed that they distributed 27,000 tents at first phase purchasing from local markets. He added that they had kept the records of distribution as far as possible, however, the mechanism may not be able to keep all the records during such critical hours. Similarly, Minister Khadka informed that 300,000 tents were distributed through the distribution mechanism headed by Minister for Commerce and Supply and the mechanism has kept all records about it.

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