Friday, August 14, 2015

Man grows third ear on his arm for art’s sake

Posted by Anup Baral August 14, 2015 :
Stelarc is a performance artist with something up his sleeve. Watch how is it possible that a man was able to grows third ear on his arm for art’s sake.

Man grows third ear on his arm for art’s sake It’s gruesomely fascinating and strangely beautiful, but is an ear on an arm art? Stelarc, the award-winning Australian performance artist who has grown a third ear on his arm for art’s sake, believes it is. And as he pursues further surgeries to install a Wi-Fi connected microphone that will allow people anywhere in the world to listen to what he hears, he hopes he can convince others of his vision. “It’s when art is surprising that it becomes interesting,” Stelarc, told CNN. “Because it’s generating that anxiety, that uncertainty and that ambivalence and reaction that makes the body re-examine the world.”

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