China Opens 600-Feet-High Scary Glass Bridge in Canyon That Inspired 'Avatar'. China has just opened its first glass-bottomed suspension bridge, and being nearly 600-feet-high and 1,000-feet-long, it definitely isn't for the faint of heart.

The high-altitude, transparent bridge opened this past Thursday in Zhangjiaje Grand Canyon in central China's Hunan province, according to Chinese newspaper, the People's Daily. The canyon, which is a part of the Shiniuzhai National Geological Park, reportedly inspired the world of James Cameron's "Avatar," the China Daily reported, adding that a sky column similar to one seen in the movie, was renamed "Avatar Hallelujah Mountain" in 2010. Terrified tourists struggle to walk across China's new glass-bottom bridge suspended 600 feet above the ground. Group of brave tourists learnt the meaning of vertigo the hard way as they became the first visitors to cross a new 590 foot high glass-bottomed suspension bridge in China. This awesome structure, the first of its kind in the world, is situated in the province of Hunan, reported People's Daily Online.