Posted by Anup Baral November 23, 2015
A three-month-old infant, who suffered from pneumonia and was being rushed to Biratnagar of Morang from Triyuga Municipality of Udayapur, died for want of treatment as cadres of United Democratic Madhesi Front parties obstructed the ambulance carrying him in Saptari district. The victim has been identified as Padam Budhathoki. Dhan Bahadur Budhathoki, the bereaved father, said the ambulance ferrying the boy was stopped at various places along the East-West Highway and the delay proved to be fatal to his son. The infant breathed his last on reaching Haripur of Sunsari district, according to the ambulance driver Mihabuba Raja. The ambulance (Sa 1 Cha 659) was being operated by the local Him Shikhar Cooperatives. The UDMF cadres in Saptari have intensified protests following violent clashes with police on Saturday night, in which at least three protesters were killed.