The first-ever supplies of oil from China have arrived in fuel-starved Nepal, potentially ending the Himalayan country’s decadeslong dependency for its energy needs on India.
The agreement to import oil from China was signed after energy supplies from India were disrupted amid a deep strain in their ties over Nepal's new constitution.
The tankers from China brought about one-third of the 1.3 million liters of fuel, which is now being supplied as a “goodwill gesture” in the form of grants by Beijing.
More significantly, the Nepali Oil Corp. and National United Oil Corp. (PetroChina) have signed a preliminary deal for uninterrupted supplies from China.
इन्धन संकटका कारण अस्त ब्यस्त बनिरहेको नेपाली जनजीबनमा चिन तर्फबाट आयात गरिएको केहि परिमाणका पेट्रोलियम पदार्थका कारण पनि नेपाली हरुले केहि राहातको महसुस गरिरहेका छन् | भारतीय आयल कर्पोरेसनको एकाधिकार तोड्दै अन्यत्र मुलुक बाट पनि नेपालले इन्धन खपत गर्ने बाटो खुलेको छ |