Monday, September 1, 2014

World's first 'flying motorcycle

Posted by Rajesh KC- September 02, 2014 :

Engineer Chris Malloy has created a hoverbike, which could help out in disaster zones in the future.With in innovation traffic jams could soon become a thing of the past thanks to an amateur inventor who has built the world's first flying motorcycle in his garage. 'The Hoverbike was built with safety in mind so at least three components have to fail before you might have a serious airborne failure. The Hoverbike flies like a quadcopter or a drone powered by four tribune fans. It can be flown manned or unmanned and gives a new experience of flying. With the features of ruggedness and simplicity the Hoverbike flies low and is not very expensive to maintain. Designed for humans, it lands and takes off like a helicopter.

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