Thursday, January 15, 2015

American loves singing Nepali song - Nepali movie BITEKA PAL

Posted by Anup Baral January 15, 2015 :

Nepal has witnessed several major natural disaster s in the last two centuries. Kathmandu is one of the most vulnerable cities in the world, also experienced rapid urban development . The population has increased rapidly day by day. Construction of buildings considered too weak to withstand a powerful quake, similar to Haiti catastrophic earthquake of M 7.0 what kill more of 316,000 people. General secretary of National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) Amod Mani Dixit holds the view that a major earthquake will be devastating for the valley. “Despite making certain improvements in safety against earthquakes, Kathmandu valley’s more than 60 percent houses will be destroyed in case of a major quake. According to the seismologists, a major earthquake is due in the fault line lying between Kathmandu of Nepal and Shimla of India. Studies have shown that Nepal has no record of a major earthquake in the span of 80 years. As there was no major quake since 1934, the threat is looming large. Along with earthquakes, landslides, floods and other calamities are creating a havoc annually, making Nepal a disaster prone country. Earthquakes are not as frequent, but they have the potential for causing the greatest damage.As a country in the high risk seismic zone, earthquakes are very likely in Nepal. Past records have shown that Nepal can expect two earthquakes of magnitude anywhere between 7.5 and 8 on the Richter scale every forty years and one earthquake of magnitude of 8+ in Richter scale every eighty years. A number of those highlighted are the 1833 and 1934 ear thquakes, the Koshi floods and the GLOF events in the higher Himalayas. Apart from these major disasters, Nepa l also faces frequent la ndslides during monsoon season, thunder lightning, storms and regular seasonal flooding in terai areas. Th e combination of these multiple hazard events poses a severe threat to national development processes. The national government is committed to take the necessary measures to aver t these threats in the development process. In line with this commitment, the Ministry of Home Affair s, Government of Nepal initiated the process of developing a national hazard and risk profile for the country.

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