Friday, March 27, 2015

Actress Suchitra Baskota mobile scandal

32 year-old Suchitra Acharya Baskota is Nepali actress, currently in Darwin, Australia. Her first movie is "Junga Bahadur ko Coat" is the new nepali action thriller movie where some international mafias are keeping an eye on the 150 years old antique coat of Nepal - that's "Jung Bahadur ko Coat".
The coat has a high demand and value in the international market so mafia groups are trying to find and sell it in the international market.
 Most scenes are shooted in Australia and Nepal. Actor Anup Baral can be seen in the role of the nepal police and actor Bimlesh Adhikari can be seen as the protector of the Jung Bahadur's coat in this movie.
One interesting fact about this movie is that the director "Ashish Bhetwal" is just 19 years old. Tentative Released Date: Coming Soon Cast: Anup Baral, Bimles Adhikari, Bishow Basnet, Suchitra Acharya, Shuvangi Koirala, Rashmi Bhatta, Mohan Niraula, Aalok Karki, Samikshya Aryal Special Appearance: Nandita KC in an item song.

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