Saturday, March 7, 2015

More than 300 Passengers Stranded in Malaysia as Nepal's Tribhuvan Airport Remains Closed

Posted by Anup Baral March 07, 2015 :
The Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) has cancelled all the international flights till 10:00 am Saturday, citing it would still take some time to open the runway5 TIA authorities informed this organising a press conference today. The international flights are halted from Wednesday after an aircraft of the Turkish Airlines met with an accident at the runway in course of landing on Wednesday morning.

According to TIA, it would take some more time even if a team of experts from India along with equipments is carrying out works to open the runway. Director General at the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), Ratish Chandra Lal Suman, said although the skilled human resources of the sector have been carrying out works in an expeditiously for clearing the blocked runway, it would require more time to remove the stuck plane for it was a difficult task. An experts’ team from India comprising 25 members along with airbag has arrived here on Thursday for the same after the initiatives taken by the Nepali human resources went in vain. As per the preliminary investigation of the TIA, the aircraft met with an accident due to low visibility. RSS

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