Saturday, March 21, 2015

Vice President Parmananda Jha demands Hindi Langugage in Nepal

Posted by Anup Baral March 21, 2015 :

Biography: Parmanand Jha, Vice President (born on 1944). He is a Nepali politician who had been Vice President of Nepal 2008-2009, and again 2010 to the present. Previously he served as a Supreme Court judge. He was born and brought up in Darbhanga in Indian Mithila in Bihar, India, his maternal uncle's home to a Nepali parents - according to Hindu traditions, his father's belongs to North Mithila, a subject of Nepal, and so a citizen of Nepal. Jha resigned as a judge in December 2007 after he was not proposed by the Judicial Council as a permanent judge at the apex court, following allegations of involvement in drug smuggling[citation needed]. Later, Jha joined political life and became a member of the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, one of several organizations agitating against dominance of Nepal's politics, etc., by the minority hill population as against the Madhesias, a collection of plains countries ethnicities with Indophile tendencies espousing Hindi as their lingua franca. On 19 July 2008, he was elected as Vice-President of Nepal by the Constituent Assembly. He began his first term of office as Vice-President of Nepal on 23 July 2008 by taking the Oath of Office from President Ram Baran Yadav at the Sheetal Niwas Presidential Palace in Hindi in the presence of Prime Minister Girijaprasad Koirala and others.

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