Saturday, March 28, 2015

Watch Nepali short movie "CHUUSTA!!!"

Posted by Anup Baral | March 28th, 2015 :
A short movie that revolves around the psychology of a military man. And yes behind chustaa they too have emotions... Directed by Sajan BK

In today's Namaste Europe Episode 155 you can watch a Special report in Ex Gurkhas fighting for rights.
1. Ex Gurkhas fighting for rights protest against 200 years celebration friendship
of Britain and nepal starting from Nepal British embassy
2. Gurkha channel official launch and bussiness plan grand launch with top 100 Asian
bussiness men and media
3. Nrn from Australia camping against  Qatar mine grant slavery on World Cup cricket
in Australia by Deepa rai
4. Nrn USA fighting to get right president 

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