Monday, April 27, 2015

Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering to support Nepal Earthquake victims

Posted by Anup Baral April 27th, 2015 :
Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering gave one million US dollar cheque to Nepal Prime Minister sushil koirala to support Nepal Earthquake victim.

Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering gave one million US dollar cheque to Nepal Prime Minister sushil koirala to support Nepal Earthquake victim. Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering came in Nepal to show his support to Nepal and to give one million US dollar cheque. He said in a tweet "On board special flight, bound for Kathmandu, to call on PM Koirala to offer condolences of HM and our people and assist in any way we can," Tobgay also tweeted about the Bhutan nationals who have been evacuated from the disaster-torn Nepal. "Thank you Tashi Air for evacuating stranded Bhutanese from Kathmandu,"

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