Wednesday, April 22, 2015

India Building fake Kapilvastu

Posted by Anup Baral April 22, 2015 :There has been several rumors that the construction of fake lumbini was in progress and seems like even the tourism board of Uttar Pradesh is applying fake information on their website stating Kaplivastu is in Uttar Pradesh state which clearly is incorrect as the original Kaplivastu, is in South of Nepal in Lumbini Zone.

Check out the false information that the North India tourism board is stating, please report this website from giving further wrong information about Lord Buddha being born in India. Here are some photos showing the evidence: British archeologists have determind that Lord Buddha was, indeed, born in Tilaurakot of Lumbini in Nepal. In a 13-foot-deep trench beneath a swatch of gentle woodland, Bradford’s Robin Coningham and Armin Schmidt over the past three years have unearthed artifacts demonstrating that the site was inhabited during the Buddha’s lifetime and perhaps even earlier. The key, Coningham said, was pieces of ceramic painted greyware, used in South Asia between the 9th and 6th centuries B.C.

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