Thursday, May 7, 2015

Peter McDonough Singing "baneko chha pahara"

Posted by Anup Baral May 07, 2015 :
He was born in United States but his childhood was mostly spent in Himalayan foothills of Nepal. He came to Nepal as a child with his family for the project associated with Team Nepal related to Medicare service.

He really enjoyed the Nepal and Nepalese society in Dadheldhura District where most of his friends and surroundings were speaking Nepalese language in Doteli accents and he got an opportunity to learn Nepali language. Later in his life he had to back to United States due to the end of the service term of his father. But he never forgot Nepal and his Nepalese friends, childhood’s friends and surrounding that kept haunting him.As time passes he missed the times he spent in Nepal and kept trying to go back again but he only got an opportunity to go Nepal in 2008.
While he was in Nepal in recent years he got wonderful opportunities to learn the Nepalese language which made him complete Peter by the love and affectionate of lovely people of Nepal and cultures. He did not only learn to speak Nepalese fluently but also learnt read and write Nepali language.

More than that he started to embrace Nepali culture, music and started to sing the songs of classic songs of voice empire Narayna Gopal Gurbacharrya, Gopal Yonjon ,Nepalese boy bands, rock band and more. Songs after songs in YouTube made him popular in Nepal and America, Nepalese around the globe started to fire comments like machine gun in second after second. Currently he is in Ohio and doing his graduation in Ohio State University and of course singing Nepal songs and wining the hearts and minds of Nepalese youths and all ages of Nepalese people.

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