Wednesday, June 3, 2015

chemical used to ripen mangoes are unhealthy

Posted by Anup Baral June 3rd, 2015 :
Mango fruit is one of the nutritionally rich fruit with unique flavour, fragrance and taste. It has numerous health benefits. It is rich in Vitamins (A, B, C, E and K). Mangoes are rich in iron and are beneficial for people suffering from anaemia. It has about 25 different kinds of carotenoids which keep our immune system healthy and strong. Mango fruit is relatively low on glycaemic index (41-60). It also contains an enzyme which is said to help in digestion. Soluble dietary fibre called pectin’s is also present in mango. These help to reduce the risk of cancer.

Mango has so much of health benefit that one must eat mango. But however, in reality it may not be true. That it has got nothing to do with mango per se, but much is dependent on our supply system. Many a times it is hazardous to health & even can causes cancer. You are never sure whether the ripen mango that you buy has been safely ripened. By and large mango ripening in India is done by carbide. This is a banned chemical that is rampantly used for ripening. Carbide is reported to be carcinogenic in nature

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