Monday, June 22, 2015

How to build Earthquake Proof and Resistant Building Houses in Nepal (Video)

Posted by Anup Baral: June 22, 2015:
There are a wide variety of earthquake effects - these might include a chasm opening up or a drop of many metres across a fault line. Therefore, it is not possible to design an earthquake proof building which is guaranteed to resist all possible earthquakes. However, it is possible during your design and construction process to build in a number of earthquake resistant features by applying earthquake engineering techniques, which would increase enormously the chances of survival of both buildings and their occupants.

This video has been viral in a week with more than Millions views in just a week. Spurned boyfriend chops EVERYTHING he and his girlfriend owned in two after they split up including a car, TV and iPhone. eBay user chops EVERYTHING he owns in two to sell after split with girlfriend. Both the seabed and the land that we inhabit are formed of a crusty skin of light rocks floating on the soft centre of the earth, which is made of heavier molten rock and molten iron. This crusty skin is not one solid piece but is made up of lumps, separated by faults and trenches, or pressed together into mountains.

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