Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hamro Traffic Dai By Nijen Shrestha

Posted by Anup Baral July 18, 2015 :

Road Safety: Roads become slippery after first showers due to accumulated dust and lubricants. Hence drive carefully and avoid sudden braking.  Check wipers, car battery, tyros & your spare tyros. Replace worn out tyros. Check breaks break oil and condition of the brake axel and brake liners.     Keep a spare muslin cloth near the steering wheel for cleaning the dampness on the windscreen as well as the rear view mirror. Keep a small hammer in the vehicle for breaking the wind screen of your vehicles, if the central locking system fails. Also keep a small torch handy in your car's cabin.     Keep a fire extinguisher in your car and a First Aid Box. Keep sufficient quantity of fuel in the fuel tank.
Get your air conditioner serviced before monsoon.
Visit Traffic Police Website or mail me     In case of heavy water logging, leave the car at assigned parking places. Avoid Frantic/repeated calls as such calls jam the cellular networks.Whenever high tide is coinciding with heavy rains, the rain water clogs the drainage system. This results in flooding of low lying areas. Check the central locking system of the vehicle and tool kit of your car.Pool your cars, save fuel and the hassle of driving yourself everyday. Keep 2 liters of water and dry snacks in your vehicle. It will come handy if you are trapped in jams.Try staggering office hours to reduce congestion in the Public Transport System. Do not panic.
Traffic Police is always there to help you. Call Traffic Police Control Room on Toll free No. 103 or Tel.No. 4219641,4219642,4227321,4220060
Help others in distress - whenever & where ever possible.

Hamro Traffic Dai
Singer : Nijen Shrestha
Lyrics/ Music : Nijen Shrestha
Camera / Edit : Om Prasai
Arranger : Devendra Newa
Director : Pradip Rasaili
Concept: Rajendra shrestha
Dialogue: Nirmala shrestha
Video : Music Highlight
Audio : Dreams Studio

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