Saturday, July 18, 2015

Nepal declares two-day national holiday to draft new constitution

Posted by Anup Baral July 18, 2015 : Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Federal Affairs and Local Development, Prakashman Singh, has said that a federal democratic constitution would be promulgated soon. At a programme organised by the Kathmandu Development Authority under the Ministry of Urban Development to handover the management of Nandikeshar Park to Community Service Centre in the capital today, DPM Singh expressed the belief that the new statute would be promulgated soon as discussion regarding the draft of the new constitution was underway.
The draft of the new statute would be taken before the people soon, he said. Similarly, Minister for Urban Development, Dr Narayan Khadka, also said that the new constitution would be promulgated soon as per the people’s wish. Pointing out the need of open space to stay during the time of disaster as population of Kathmandu valley is very high, Minister Khadka said Kathmandu valley would be developed as a model city of the 21st century.
 Chief Secretary Leelamani Poudyal said that construction of such parks have helped a lot during the hour of disaster. He referred to the permission issued in 2069 BS to construct such parks in 83 different locations in the valley.
Likewise, Chairman of the Centre, Narendra Bahadur Shrestha, said the park was constructed as per the design of architecture engineer Prabal Thapa. The garden had become a safe shelter for the locals during the April 25 Gorkha earthquake and its several aftershocks.

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