Monday, July 6, 2015

RPP-Nepal announces stir to press its agenda

Posted by Anup Baral July 06, 2015 :

Obstruction from the lawmakers of the Rastriya Prajatantra Pary-Nepal (RPP-N), the Constituent Assembly meeting has begun on Saturday.Constituent Assembly (CA) Chairman Subas Nembang urged the RPP-Nepal lawmakers not to obstruct the meeting saying that he had already expressed his commitment on Friday’s meeting to lend his support to incorporate their issues during amendment of the draft after the lawmakers started to picket the rostrum.
While speaking in the meeting, lawmaker Bimalendra Nidhi stressed on naming and delineating the borders of the new provinces by the Constituent Assembly itself. Lawmaker Sujata Koirala stressed on ensuring the provision of issuing the citizenship in the name of mother. Similarly, lawmaker Shekhar Koirala said that the new constitution should address all sectors.
Prime Minister and party president Sushil Koirala chaired the meeting attended by party senior leader Sher Bahadur Deuba and vice-president Ram Chandra Poudel among other leaders were present. The PP meeting will also continue on Friday.
Khum Bahadur Khadka (born 1951) is a former Minister of the Interior of Nepal and an influential leader of Nepali Congress Party. After some corruption allegations, he was not in active politics since about 2006-2007 and even withdrew his candidacy for the Constituent Assembly election from the Dang-1 constituency, after Maoists had accused him of responsibility in the killing of seven of their cadres.
He was convicted on 13 August 2012 with several counts of corruption, slapping him one-and-half year jail sentence along with a penalty of Rs 9.47 million (US$110,000 approximately). His corruption escapades were mostly during the period when he held a number of high-ranking posts, including home minister and local development minister in the 1990s.

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