Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Talk with Subash Chandra Nembang (Chairman of Constituent Assembly of Nepal)

Posted by Anup Baral July 21, 2015 :
Madhesh Adhikar Sangharsha Samitee (Madhesh Rights Protection Committee) has imposed general strike in Janakpur saying preliminary draft of new constitution is anti Madhesh. The strike has been imposed for tomorrow as well.

Normal life in Janakpur has been crippled due to the strike. Shops and factories have remained closed since early morning. Vehicular movements in Janakpur and surrounding areas have been obstructed.

Cadres and supporters of Madhesh Adhikar Sangharsha Samittee are seen protesting on the streets of Janakpur. The general strike is also aimed at obstructing people's suggestion campaign for preliminary draft constitution. Armed Police Force and Nepal Police has been mobilized in large numbers. The security force is deployed heavily in and around Federation of Nepali Chamber of Commerce and Industries building in Janakpur, which is the venue of people's suggestion campaign.

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