Saturday, August 15, 2015

A short story about a talented runner Mira Rai

Posted by Anup Baral: August 15, 2015:
Nepali ultra trail runner Miss Mira Rai has won "MARATHON MONT BLANC 2015"(80k - Sky Running).

Mira Rai is a young woman from a remote village in Nepal who always dreamed of being successful in sport. When she was older she travelled the long distance to Kathmandu to try her luck. Out of money, she was about to return home to her village, when by chance on a morning run, she meets another runner who tells her about a long running race in the local hills. She wins it and soon begins to realise her tough mountain village upbringing has prepared her perfectly for this sport. Mira Rai follows the journey of this spirited Nepali village girl on her pursuit to being a world-recognised mountain runner.
Mira Rai from Nepal has won the 80 KM Marathon in France , Range of 80 miles in 12 hours 31 minutes 12 seconds Its a proud moment for Nepal. She has won the 80 km of the Marathon (Champion), France by completing the trails in 12h 32mn 12s on women's categories. Mira plans to run the following Skyrunning races this season in Europe. 27th June – Mont Blanc Ultra 80km 2nd August – Tromso Ultra 45km 19th September – Ultra Pirineu 103 km

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