Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Issue Of The Day

Posted by Anup Baral August 04, 2015 :

Top leaders of four major political parties have today held separate discussions with the chiefs of constitutional bodies to solicit their suggestions regarding new constitution. During the meeting held at the official residence of the Prime Minister at Baluwatar, chiefs of all constitutional bodies have given suggestions on their respective issues of concern to top leaders. On the occasion, Chief Commissioner at the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), Lokman Singh Karki, said that during the meeting he suggested the leaders to retain the provision related to Commission mentioned in Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 BS intact and to include ‘improper act’ under the jurisdiction of CIAA, as this was not mentioned in the draft of the new constitution. Stating that no one should be allowed to go scot-free from CIAA’s investigation formulating a separate Act, Karki argued that a separate provision was not needed as the provision of parliamentary monitoring and evaluation of the CIAA could be done on the basis of the report that the CIAA annually presents to the parliament through the President.

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