Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It's illegal to pay a surrogate mother in Nepal Power News: (Update)

Posted by Anup Baral August 26, 2015 :

Using a surrogate mother is still somewhat controversial. But it is one more option people have for having a baby through new reproductive technologies.
Intended parents is surrogacy lingo for people using reproductive technology to try for a biological child, and there are far more of them than there are women willing to carry someone else baby for no compensation.
Those who remain show a curious mix of altruism and omnipotence: These are women who give up their very bodies for complete strangers, but only after choosing a lucky few from the desperate hordes.In the U.S., gestational surrogacy is less complex legally. That's because both intended parents have genetic ties to the baby.
As a result, gestational surrogacy has become more common than a traditional surrogate. About 750 babies are born each year using gestational surrogacy.

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