Sunday, August 2, 2015

Man beaten to death for Rs 500 in Hapur

Posted by Anup Baral August 2nd, 2015 :
Man beaten to death for Rs 500 in Hapur,India

Engineering teams of the Nepal Army, the Chinese Armed Police and other security agencies in Nepal have been involved in clearing the road. The government had decided to hand over the task to the Army after China assured its full support in the process. The reopening of Araniko Highway is one of the Chinese-supported projects in Nepal and will play an important role in improving the trade and deepening friendship between the two neighbours, the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu said on Saturday. “This sets the best example of friendship between China and Nepal and writes a moving chapter of being a friend in need, a friend indeed.” Nepal and China established diplomatic relations on August 1, 1955. Nineteen engineering and 20 supporting equipment from China have been mobilised to clear the debris. According to the Army headquarters, the Chinese security team plans to work in Nepal during the day and return across the border at night.

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