Sunday, August 2, 2015

MH370 Search: Second object found on Reunion Island

Posted by Anup Baral August 2nd, 2015 :
A second piece of suspected plane debris is reported to have been found on Sunday, closer to Saint-Denis, the capital of Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.

A second piece of suspected plane debris has washed ashore on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion, after a wing part suspected to come from the missing flight MH370 was found on Wednesday. The object, believed to be the door of an aircraft, was discovered just south of the city of St Denis. It is said to have writing on it and possibly some illustration. The Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared last March with 239 people on board. Malaysia's transport ministry says it now wants to expand the search for more debris around Reunion. Boeing 777

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