Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Update : Monkeys on the Runway of Tribhuvan International Airport

Posted by Anup Baral August 18th, 2015
Recently sleepingin airports produces an annual survey to identify the world's worst.The survey ranked Nepal's Kathmandu Tribhuvan International worlds third worst International Airport. Sleeping-in-airports also quote that "Nepal’s only international airport was eloquently described to resemble a bus station in an impoverished neighborhood”.

monkeys on the runway ( Pic.annapurnapost.com)
 The airport’s cleanliness is a chief concern for those traveling through, with many remarking on the sorry state of the bathrooms, and the absolute lack of soap.
Other travelers take issue with the lack of air-conditioning and a filthy smoking room. Generally, travelers discourage sleeping here in part because of the sad state of the airport, and also because it goes against local norms. With plenty of security officials wandering about, sleeping here is generally not a hugely pleasant experience. This all said, some slack is given to Nepal given that it lacks with wealth of some of its Asian neighbors.

"The airport's bird problem is an extension of the city's urban waste mis-management," says Explore Nepal's Bharat Basnet, who has been spearheading environmental activism in Kathmandu starting with diesel tempos. By coinci-dence, two of the bird-hits last week involved Lauda Air, the Austrian charter airline Basnet is the representative for.

 "Kathmandu is like an open garbage disposal site that is sure to attract the birds," he tells journalists on a conducted bird-watching tour of the airport this week, showing the danger posed by birds of prey soaring above the runway just as the airport's traffic peak was getting underway. But ironically, while the airport's efforts to scare away the kites seemed to be working somewhat, it was the dogs and monkeys that started creating havoc.

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