Monday, September 14, 2015

Months after Nepal quake, aid money fails to trickle down

Posted by Anup Baral September 15, 2015 :
Nepal's government is facing renewed criticism for its slow response after the April earthquakes. Hundreds of thousands of people are still living in makeshift shelters and are worried about how they'll survive the coming winter. Billions of dollars have been pledged to help the victims, but very little of that has been spent. Al Jazeera's Subina Shrestha reports from Sindhupalchowk district.

Where is thefour Billion dollar that was raised during earthquake. Nepal's government is facing renewed criticism for its slow response after the April earthquakes. Hundreds of thousands of people are still living in makeshift shelters and are worried about how they'll survive the coming winter. Billions of dollars have been pledged to help the victims, but very little of that has been spent. Al Jazeera's Subina Shrestha reports from Sindhupalchowk district.

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