Saturday, September 12, 2015

What it’s like to get body slammed by a dolphin

Posted by Anup Baral September 12, 2015 :
A stand-up paddle boarder has filmed the bizarre moment a dolphin jumped out a wave and body-slammed him at a Californian beach.

Matt Minich was paddling with his friend, Australian man Peter Nelson, when he cut across a wave that three dolphins were surfing. One of the dolphins - perhaps frustrated by the wayward paddle boarder in its path - launched out of the water and hit Mr Minich, knocking him off his board. “It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Top ten for sure,” Mr Minich wrote on his Facebook post of the video. “Fortunately no one was hurt.” Mr Nelson described the collision, which happened off Hermosa Beach, as a “fantastic experience”.

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