Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Giant Projection Reading “Modi Not Welcome” Was Displayed On British Parliament

Posted by Anup Baral November 11, 2015 :

Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's arrival in the United Kingdom later this week, protests against his visit have reached the British Parliament.
 Anti-Modi protesters projected photoshopped “Modi Not Welcome” on to the House of Commons on Sunday night in advance of the Indian prime minister’s visit to the UK this week.On Sunday, some British-Indians projected a photo of Modi on the UK Parliament building wielding a sword along with an 'Aum' sign that appeared to transform into a swastika. Also projected on the Palace of Westminster building was the message - 'Modi not welcome' - and the name of website of the group which carried out the protest -
The projection went on for nearly seven minutes before it was put out. Awaaz UK, which carried out the protest, is a grouping of organisations that have joined hand in protesting Modi's trip starting November 12. British authorities denied that permission had been given for the protest. Shortly after the projection was put out, the Awaaz Network took to Twitter and slammed PM Modi for his alleged role in the 2002 Gujarat riots.

तीन दिने बेलायत भ्रमण गर्न लागेका भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री मोदीविरुद्ध बेलायतस्थित नेपालीहरुले बेलायती संसद भवन अगाडि विरोध प्रदर्शन गर्ने तयारी गरेका छन् । नेपालमा अघोषित नाकाबन्दी लगाएकामा आक्रोशित नेपालीले मोदी विरुद्ध १२ नोभेम्बर दिउँसो १२ बजे बेलायती संसद भवन अगाडि विरोध प्रदर्शन गर्न लागेका हुन् ।प्रदर्शनी अभियानमा जुटिरहेका फोटोपत्रकार एभरेष्ट गौतम र विद्यार्थी नेता गणेश खड्काका अनुसार हालसम्म एनपीसीसी यूके, एनआरएनए यूके, ब्रिटेन नेपाल च्याम्बर अफ कमर्स, कपिलवस्तु समाज यूके, नेपाली साहित्य विकास परिषद यूके, नेपलिज हार्ट फाउण्डेशन यूके, पूर्व प्रहरी परिवार मञ्च यूके, यती नेपाली एसोसिएसन यूके, नेपलिज ब्लड डोनर्स यूके, संयुक्त राष्टवादी संगठन बेलायत, डार्टफोर्ट नेपलिज कम्युनिटी यूके, तमुधिं आमा समूह यूके, अन्तर्राष्टिय नेपाली वांग्मय प्रतिष्ठान यूके प्रतिनिधिले सहभागिताका लागि प्रतिवद्धता दिइसकेका छन् । अन्य संघसंस्थाले पनि साथ दिने वचन दिएको एभरेष्ट गौतमले जनाए । अभियानलाई बेलायतस्थित नेपाली मिडियाले पनि उल्लेख्य साथ दिएका छन् । प्रदर्शनको नेतृत्व कांग्रेस सम्वद्ध नेपाली जनसम्पर्क समिति, बेलायतले गर्दैछ । भारतको अघोषित नाकाबन्दीबारे विश्व समुदायसमक्ष जानकारी दिन कार्यक्रम तय गरिएको समितिले जनाएको छ । समितिले सम्पूर्ण बेलायतवासी नेपालीलाई प्रदर्शनमा साथ दिएर ऐक्यवद्धता जनाउन आग्रह समेत गरेको छ ।
Related News: Hundreds of Nepali students pursuing nursing education in India will be deprived of registration as the Indian Nursing Council (INC) recently announced that students from Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh cannot be registered with any State Nursing Council in India as nurses without work permit.Issuing a letter to a Nepali student on March 22, the Karnataka State Nursing Council (KSNC) stated that “if you have been issued work visa in India, you would be registered as a nurse in the state of Karnataka for the period mentioned in the visa”. The KSNC had acted on the INC directive issued on February 5. As a result, Nepali students pursuing nursing degrees will be deprived of internship as well.

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