Saturday, November 21, 2015

Actors submit memorandum to Prime Minister KP Oli

Posted by Anup Baral November 21, 2015 :
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today underlined his growing concern over the blocking of essential supplies on the Nepal-India border and called on all sides to lift these restrictions without further delay. “[The Secretary-General] is alarmed by reports of the obstruction, and destruction, of life-saving medical supplies and the continued impact on humanitarian operations,” said a statement issued by his spokesperson, which said Mr. Ban underlines Nepal's right of free transit.

Dahal said that the meeting took place in a friendly environment to make a common view among the government coalition parties and opposition parties while important discussion was held regarding that there should be same view among major political parties. "Discussion regarding necessity of making a common view about the Tarai situation surfaced following border blockade was held. Consensus has been forged to move ahead by holding next meeting by holding discussion in respective parties soon. An understanding has been reached among all sides to resolve the problem." RSS

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