Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fuel would be imported uninterruptedly: Mahesh Maskey

Posted by Anup Baral November 01, 2015 :

Nepali Ambassador to China Mahesh Maskey has said that the petroleum products would be imported without any interruption from China in the days ahead.
Dr. Mahesh Maskey is a public health expert and an active participant in the popular movement of 1990 and 2006 in Nepal. He was the chief advisor to the Hon. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health and Population, Mr. Amik Serchan in 2006-2007, and thereafter, served as the Executive Chair of Nepal Health Research Council and the Chair of High level Health Policy Advisory Committee of Ministry of Health and Population until 2009. He was Executive Chair of Nepal Public Health Foundation, Chair of the South Asian Forum for Health Research and member of Advisory Council for Health Research, World Health Organization, South East Asia Region. He was President of South-South solidarity and Regional Vice President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. He is a published author and has written many political and literary article apart from the health related scientific articles. He has been involved in teaching/learning activities of distinguished universities both at home and abroad.

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