Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Police start monitoring during Tihar festival

Posted by Anup Baral November 10, 2015 :
Nepal Police has started market monitoring in the capital to check possible black-marketing due to border blockade and food adulteration during Tihar festival. The Metropolitan Police Office [MPO], Ranipokhari, Kathmandu was established on 01/08/2063 B.S. as the primary law enforcement agency for Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur districts of the Kathmandu Valley. It has authority to command all the police components located in its area of responsibility. The chief of Metropolitan Police is the Police Commissioner (Additional Inspector General of Police, AIGP) who reports to the Inspector General of Police.

he Metropolitan Police comprises of Public Security Division, Administration Division, Intelligence Division, Inspectorate, Crime Division, Traffic Division, Armed Police Battalion, Riot Control Battalion, Garrison Battalion, Control Room, 3 Ranges, 18 Circles, 50 Sectors, 3 Area Police Offices and 23 Police Posts at present. Other Divisions and Sections will become functional in due course. The MPO today is on the forefront of technological crime fighting advances from highly developed advances in evidence analysis to state-of the-art-information technology.

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