Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Nepali Short Movie: Bhaishi Ko Sapna

Posted by Anup Baral December 22, 2015 :

This short video is about the daily life of people in village area. Nepali villages are very close-knit communities. Everybody knows everybody else, their family, and their ancestors. Often the communities are interlinked by marriage too. The mountainous terrain of Nepal and the lack of roads means that getting around takes time, and access to things like schools or hospitals is very difficult. It’s not uncommon for children to have to spend two hours walking to school, or for hospital to be a two day trek away. As a result, Nepali villages are largely self-dependent. There is little evidence of the outside world – either very limited shops or none at all, no sign of the government, no police or health-workers. Many have no electricity and few have running water. If a Nepali wants something they normally have to do it themselves. This separation has resulted in a diverse mass of ethnic groups, languages and cultural practices. Often one village’s practices are different from the next, even though they are only an hours walk apart.

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