Saturday, December 26, 2015

Why India Afraid of Nepal New constitution ?

Posted by Anup Baral December 2562015 :
The document defines the majority Hindu nation as a secular republic divided into seven federal provinces. Although Delhi was one of the major backers of the process over the past decade, it believes the new constitution is not broad-based and is concerned that it could spur violence which could spill over into its own territory. India's reaction in the past few days to events in Nepal has been quite remarkable. On Friday, just a couple of days before the constitution was formally adopted (but after it had been passed by the Constituent Assembly) India's top diplomat was sent to Kathmandu at the behest of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar held discussions with Nepal's president and prime minister and leaders of all the major political parties including those who had opposed the constitution in its current form.BBC

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