Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Madan Bhandari Speech

Posted by Anup Baral January 07, 2016 :
Madan Kumar Bhandari was a Nepalese politician and communist leader. He was sensational youth Communist leader who rose to prominence after being party leader and defeating great rival leader Krishna Prasad Bhattarai in general election. As a communist leader, his fact based speech with use of proper vocabulary were awestrucking with combination of great courage and determination to speak such that no one shall match that audacity, not even the beloved Nepalese King. He was the mouth of suppressed Nepalese who were thrusted by Nepalese feudal system.

A golden statue of Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, has taken shape in a village of Henan Province in central China. The statue is 36.6 meters tall and cost almost 3 million yuan. Locals said several rural entrepreneurs and residents raised the money for the statue. This 120-foot-tall gold-painted statue of Chairman Mao has been built in Tongxu County, Henan Province, China. The giant statue is an homage to the late communist leader and cost roughly $460,000 USD. The statue is located in a province that lost millions of people when hit with famine in the 1950’s as a direct result of Mao’s campaign, the Great Leap Forward.

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