Monday, February 1, 2016

Shahid of Nepal : Martyrs Memorial Day Nepal

Posted by Anup Baral February 01, 2016 :

Sahid Diwas Nepal or Martyrs Memorial Day Nepal. It also gives you the date of Sahid Diwas Nepal 2014 or Sahid Diwas Nepal 2070 or Martyrs Memorial Day Nepal 2014 or Martyrs Memorial Day Nepal 2070. In Nepal, the Maoists’ armed wing (PLA) developed as a collective of martyrs-to-be, whose example was disseminated as soon as they fell through tributes, poems and ceremonies. Its dynamic relied on self-sacrifice rather than any heroic prowess, and acquired a strong power of attraction in that it fundamentally asserts that anyone, whether illiterate, poor or of the lowest status, is of ‘priceless’ value, and can contribute to the project to change the order of things by putting their lives at stake. The People’s War also brought about a wave of ‘Living Martyrs’, who survived the war and who are now busy recording their past experiences. They combine all the ingredients in terms of pathos and achievement to become historical figures and models for the future, while fallen immortals have already lost their individualities and play a collective and anonymous role.

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