Friday, March 13, 2015

Road expansion resumes amid protests

Posted by Anup Baral March 13, 2014 :
The Parliamentary Committee for Social Justice and Human Rights has directed the government, Defense Ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to repatriate Colonel Kumar Lama , who has been detained by the UK authorities, to Nepal and initiate probe against him through Truth and Reconciliation Commission.Metropolitan Police arrested Colonel Kumar Lama, a Nepali national, in East Sussex, United Kingdom, on allegations of torture.

The roads of Kathmandu are undeniably too narrow to allow smooth flow of ever-increasing vehicles plying on the roads. Hence, the government’s massive drive to expand roads and beautify core areas of the city.The road expansion drive was launched last November with a view to easing traffic congestion in the Capital. However, the drive was halted for three months in the area due to strong opposition from local people, in some cases, backed by political leaders. Although the drive has provided some relief to the notorious traffic jams, piles of debris and rubble along either side of the road have added to the woes of Kathmandu denizens, especially with the heat and dust and monsoon season fast app-roaching. A bold campaign with the best intentions, it is also a campaign that has many unanswered questions and even experts have doubts about the logic and its legit-imacy as the solution to the problem. Most important of all is finance — whether it will see fruitation or run into a dead end.

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