Monday, June 22, 2015

China dog meat festival raises controversy

Posted by Rajesh KC- June 22, 2015:
Nepal Army on Tuesday received two Russian made choppers Mi-17 V-5 as per the procurement agreement made on December 19, 2013. Russia's state-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport's Joint Stock Company delivered the two choppers to the Nepal Army.

Yulin's dog meat "festival," where some 10,000 dogs are slaughtered and served up as meals, is often wrongly assumed to be an ancient Chinese tradition. In fact, the festival only dates back to 2009 when it was launched in the city in China's southwest to celebrate the summer solstice. Thousands of dogs will suffer, be butchered, beaten to death, skinned alive and eaten. At its height during the Han Dynasty (202 - 220 AD), dog meat was considered a delicacy.Published on Jun 22, 2015 Animal rights groups hold a small protest in Yulin, Southern China, as locals mark a traditional festival by eating dogs. Natasha Howitt reports.Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.

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