Wednesday, July 1, 2015

10 Most Dangerous Roads in the World

Posted by Anup Baral July 06, 2015 :

Top 10 of the scariest, most unsafe highways, bridges and roads ever built. Car and truck accidents and deaths are a common thing on these streets. The invention of the road dates back to ancient times thousands of years ago. It was one of the most innovative inventions that connected cities and countries together. Anything that had wheels had an easier time getting by, and it was the birth of road organization as we all figured out which side of the road we would use to move forward. Today, roads are paved with concrete, and man has managed to create roads in the most impossible of spaces, making the world more accessible than ever. However, just because a road can be built, it doesn’t mean that it should. Some roads seem to defy the boundaries that Mother Nature set upon us, but have we ever thought about the fact that the boundaries were set for a reason?

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