Nepal is rich in various natural resources. The multi-faced diversity existing within the country is no other than a blessing in disguise for the Nepalese people. The areas within the low lands of Terai up-to the world's top most peak have their own identity. Since decades, these resources have been the assets of the nation as there were very little chances of overusing them due to minimum exposures to the fast pace of development in the world.Haphazard development of the urban areas led to acute problems of solid waste, water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution. In growing cities like Kathmandu, the problem of smoke due to tremendous increase in number of vehicles every year became a major concern of all and created serious problems. Kathmandu, situated inside a bowl shaped valley at the altitude of around 5000 feet above sea level, very quickly exceeded the threshold limits of environmental and health safety. It is due to this that Kathmandu is considered a benchmark for developing environmental understanding for the whole country in Nepal. The rules and regulations for exhaust gases mainly due to vehicles are tried and executed first within the valley.