Sunday, August 2, 2015

Three months after devastating quake people are still under tents

Posted by Anup Baral August 02, 2015 :

After 3 months of 7.8 magnitude earthquake which destroyed 598,000 homes and killed close to 9,000 people still homeless and seeking shelter in tents or under tarpaulin sheets in any open space.Three months after Nepal's devastating 25 April earthquake and its aftershocks, children continue to face multiple risks as their families have been pushed deeper into poverty and they remain in need of aid, warned the United Nations's Children Fund (UNICEF). “When a major disaster strikes like the earthquakes on 25 April and 12 May, it incurs not only loss of lives but also destruction of assets, sources of livelihoods and substantially reduces household income particularly among the most vulnerable population,” said Tomoo Hozumi, the UNICEF Representative in Nepal, over the weekend. Although the humanitarian situation has improved over the past three months, hundreds of thousands of Nepalese children still need shelter, food, access to water and sanitation, medical care, education and protection.

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