Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hathadi: DIG Bigyan Raj Sharma

Posted by Anup Baral December 15, 2015 :

DIG Bigyan Raj Sharma is also considered as tough, but also controversial. A few years ago, he was reportedly found in a suspicious state with Raju Gorkhali, a most wanted for murder. Ministry of Home Affairs promote him as DIGs in 2014, resuming a long overdue process held up because of several barriers related to police regulations and political rifts . On the recommendations of the committee formed to promote the DIGs, the Home Ministry decided to promote seven DIGs out of the 13. According Prime Minister Office (PMO) Secretary Durga Nidhi Sharma, a member of promotion recommendations committee, those promoted to AIG are Rajendra Singh Bhandari, Surendra Bahadur Shah, Bigyan Raj Sharma, Kedar Bahadur Saud, Birendra Babu Shrestha, Pratap Singh Thapa and Ramesh Shekhar Bajracharya.

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