Sunday, December 13, 2015

Model Trishna Budhathoki finds a unique way to protest against blockade

Posted by Anup Baral December 06, 2015 :

As the whole world know that my country Nepal is on the process of Peace Keeping. Killing all the factors who were blocking the country’s New Constitution Mission, the Government of Nepal has released the New Constitution of Nepal on September 20, 2015. About 90% of the Constitutional Members has cast their vote for the New Constitution and it came to effect. We were very Happy to get the New Constitution since this constitution has provided the rights for all the people of Nepal, either they are from different ethnic caste group or they are form the different geographical region. But our joy couldn’t last longer. India as being one of the Important Neighbor of Nepal didn’t congratulate our Constitution. And the some of the very few political party of Terai start to protest against the New Constitution with the help of India. Its been 3 months that our country is facing the economic blockade done by the India. Supply of Fuel (Petrol, Gas), Medicine, and others industrial goods has been blocked which is affecting the normal life of Nepalese Citizen. We don’t have fuel, we don’t have gas in our kitchen, we don’t have medicine in hospital. As being a responsible citizen of Nepal and as being an Artist, its my duty to raise the voices against every factors that are against my country. So, as from the very beginning of this blockade I was doing protest in Social Media and in some programs. But now I decided to protest against the Blockade of India differently. Since our country was hit by the Massive earthquake and we are facing the blockade of India but the International media are silent, they haven’t shown any interest on Nepalese problem. Therefore, my protest is against those all who are against the Sovereign Country Nepal.Fore more visit My head is a mountain,

My chest is the Nepalese flag.
My arm is Nepal,
I am the daughter of Nepal.

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